Dr. Sheryl B. Cooper

ASL Interpreter - Consultant - Trainer


Fenicle, R., Cripps, J. H., Cooper, S. B., & Sever, A. (2019). Research and development of inverted-type pedagogy in American Sign Language courses. In Elredge, B., Stingham,    D., & Jarashow, B. O. (Eds.), Waypoints: Proceedings of the sixth biennial Deaf Studies  Today! conference (pp. 15–26). Utah Valley University.


Cooper, S. B. (1997). The academic status of sign language programs in institutions of higher education in the United States (Doctoral dissertation).

Cooper, S. B. & Cripps, J. H. (2015). Service-learning: Deaf studies in the community. In O. Delano-Oriaran, M. W. Penick-Parks, & S. Fondrie (Eds.), Service-Learning and civic engagement (pp. 287-294). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Cooper, S. B., Cripps, J. H., & Reisman, J. I. (2013). Service-learning in Deaf studies: Impact on the development of altruistic behaviors and social justice concern. American Annals of the Deaf, 157(5), 413-427.

Cooper, S. B., Emanuel, D.C., & Cripps, J. H. (2012). Deaf studies alumni perceptions of the academic program and off-campus internship. American Annals of the Deaf, 157(4), 373-390.

Cooper, S. B., Reisman, J. I., & Watson, D. (2011). Sign language program structure and content in institutions of higher education in the United States, 1994-2004. Sign Language Studies, 11(3), 298-328.

Cooper, S.B., Reisman, J. I., & Watson, D. (2008). The status of sign language instruction in institutions of higher education: 1994-2004. American Annals for the Deaf, 153(1), 78-88.

Cripps, J. H., & Cooper, S. B. (2015). Signed language pathology. In P. Boudreault, G. Gertz,& J. G. Golson (Eds.), The Deaf Studies encyclopedia. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Cripps, J. H. & Cooper, S. B. (2012). Service-learning in Deaf studies: Integrating academia and Deaf community. Journal of American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association, 46(1), 354-368.

Cripps, J. H., Cooper, S. B., & Austin, E. N. (2015). Emergency preparedness with people who sign: Toward the whole community approach. Journal of Emergency Management, 12(6), 1-11.

Cripps, J. H., Cooper, S. B., Evitts, P. M., & Blackburn, J. F. (2016).  Diagnosing and treating signed language disorders: A new perspective.  Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 43(1), 223-237.

Cripps, J. H., Cooper, S. B., Supalla, S. J., & Evitts, P. M. (2016). Meeting the needs of signers in the field of speech-language pathology: Some considerations for action. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 37(2), 108-116.

Murray, E., Cripps, J.H., Cooper, S.B., & Wynd, M. (2015). Internet Access Through American Sign Language: A Pilot Study of Innovative Web Designs. Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research, 8(1), 1-21.

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